Making sure our construction company is competitive

Even small construction companies can get in on bidding for jobs and competing with other companies hungry for work. You sometimes have to be clever about the way that you compete for tenders and you have to make sure we have the right equipment and materials to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible; we can to keep clients coming back. This can mean using a construction broker to make sure you get the right combo of new equipment and secondhand equipment to help the business succeed. This blog is about finding and choosing heavy construction equipment for your small scale construction company.

What You Need to Know About Mining and Crushed Rock


Mining and crushing rock is a specialised skill requiring the right equipment and experience. Knowing what pieces of equipment you need can make the process easier and help you get the job done faster. If you are a novice in mining and crushing rock and are looking for more info, here are some pieces of equipment you will need to have on hand. Croll down to discover more!


The excavator is the piece of equipment most commonly used for mining and crushing rock. It has a large bucket that is used to scoop up material and move it around, making it easy to access areas of difficult terrain. The excavator also comes with an attachment known as a breaker, which can be used to break down larger rocks into smaller ones for further processing. This makes it ideal for mining operations where rocks need to be broken down before being transported elsewhere for further processing.

Front-End Loader

The front-end loader is another important piece of equipment used in mining and crushing rock. This machine has an even bigger bucket than an excavator, allowing it to transport large amounts of material quickly and efficiently. The front-end loader can also be equipped with attachments such as grapples or snow blades, making it even more versatile when working with different materials or types of terrain.


A crusher is a machine designed specifically to reduce large rocks into smaller pieces—it's essential for any operation involving mining or crushing rock. The crusher uses two rotating jaws - one stationary jaw that remains in place while the other swings back and forth - to crush materials into smaller pieces that can then be processed further by other machines (or transported elsewhere). Crushers come in several different sizes depending on what type of material needs to be crushed, so make sure you choose one that meets your needs before purchasing one for your operation.


Mining operations require specialised skills and the right equipment in order to get the job done quickly and safely. An excavator, front-end loader, and crusher are all essential pieces of machinery necessary for any successful mining or crushing operation involving rock materials. Having these machines on hand will ensure that your job runs smoothly from start to finish! With this knowledge, you can go forth confidently into your next rock-mining mission. If you would like to find out more, contact a local crushed rock supplier today.


13 March 2023